The cut content hold capital city battles are restored and occur after the hold campaign missions and fort battles (which are somewhat randomized, and also include an extra mission to assassinate enemy commander). The main feature of the mod is to completely re-make the Civil War design in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There are currently Special Edition and Legendary Edition ports of the mod's Redux that is in beta and patching bugs left over from the original version of the mod. On May 6th 2020, Apollowdown made a Reddit post on r/skyrimmods announcing that he was allowing Civil War Overhaul to be put back on the Nexus and released the source code allowing anyone to work on the mod picking up from where he left on. It was avalible again from November 9th to November 16th, On January 10th, the mod was permanently removed with the results of the United States presidential election and people who disagree with Apollodown politically enjoying the mod as the given reason. Starting on October 15 2016, the mod has been hidden, due to the mod author making a statement regarding U.S. This mod had been implemented in the compilation Epic Gameplay Overhaul. Civil War Overhaul was a mod in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which added new quests to the Civil War between the Stormcloaks and Imperials, which never appeared in game due to time limitations.